Using Banqup to manage your sales invoices can create more efficient and effective processes for your business. Read on and discover the tips to learn all about setting up your sales template, automatic numbering and the business benefits.
Essential settings
It is essential that a few settings are covered before you can start setting-up your sales invoices in Banqup. These settings are all to do with your company information.
To fill in your company information:
- Click on Settings
- Choose ‘company profile’
- Add the company data and contact details
- Add your company logo. Upload your logo in either png or jpeg format. The logo is essentially as it will be added to the top left corner of your sales invoice.
Before you then move onto the specific settings concerning your sales invoices, you must first set up a template:
- Click on settings
- Scroll to the bottom of the page
- Select ‘Layout templates’
- Select one of the two options for our sales invoice
Specific settings for the sales invoice
Now that your company details and template are complete, you can start to add the settings for your sales invoice. Below is a list of the most important elements:
- Add a default comment to all invoices
- Activate and set up automatic numbering
- Add general terms and conditions
- Select payment reference
To activate the above, click on settings, then click on ‘outgoing’. This is where the settings for sales invoices are found. Click on ‘create online’. Now you can start to set up the sales invoice.
Default comment on all invoices
Do you want to add general information to your invoice? Just manually enter data in the comments section. The information will be displayed by default in the comments section of every invoice you create.
Activate and set up automatic numbering
When setting up automatic numbering, it is important that you enter all your data accurately.
You start by entering a prefix. This is a fixed value that will not change. Next, you enter a start and end value for this numbering. In this case the year is 2021. Next, you are going to determine the next value. You do this by taking the prefix, adding a hyphen to it and then entering the next value.
It is important that you use the hyphen between the prefix and the next value to ensure that your numbering automatically adds up.
Finally, choose which standard numbering you want to use for your invoicing module.
Product catalogue
Adding your products to your catalogue ensures that you don’t have to manually enter them each time you create an invoice. To add your products to your catalogue, simple:
- Click on ‘settings’
- Choose ‘outgoing’
- There are two tabs you can click on here
- Open the ‘product catalogue’ tab
- Start by adding your services and products by clicking on the ‘add new product’ button in the top left
- Fill in the details then click ‘save’
And it is as simple as that! Your sales invoices have been set-up in just a few minutes on your Banqup platform.