More and more businesses are starting to see the clear benefits of digital administration. No more piles of paperwork, no more gathering receipts and no more running to your accountant every quarter.
The journey towards digital administration may seem a bit more complicated than physical methods, even with the clear benefits. But this isn’t necessarily the case.
After reading part one and two of our blog series (how to start digital accounting and starting to process your digital administration at the right time), you are now ready for part three of our ‘ultimate digital guide’.
Read on to discover part three of our four-part blog series and discover how digital administration can create a better relationship with your accountant.
Do you already have digital administration in place?
If you have already set up digital administration for your business, then you are already halfway there! You have most likely seen the benefits and noticed that your efforts are starting to pay off. Your administration is in order a lot easier than before and you have a clearer, simpler overview of all your data.
But it gets even better. Now that all your administration is available digitally, you can exchange it with your accountant in a much simpler and smarter way. Your relationship with your accountant can completely change and be a lot more useful for your business.
Are you still delivering piles of paper to your accountant? Then take a look at why you should transition from paper, receipts and filing cabinets to digital administration via part one and part two of our blog series.
How can you share your digital documents with your accountant?
Most digital administration solutions offer the possibility to convert paper based information into digital files. A digital file that can then be read by your accountant’s accounting software.
Through OCR technology (optical character recognition technology), your digital administration software can scan a paper document and scrap the data from it. This means your paper documents become digitalised in your digital administration software, meaning no more manual data inputting from you or your accountant.
So even your customer or supplier details are processed and added to your customer or supplier lists on your platform, including account numbers, VAT numbers and the owed amounts. This saves you a great deal of time and also reduces the chance of human error as a lot less data inputting is required.
Your documents therefore become digitalised and are accessible to your accountant in a much simpler way. Plus, with the right digital administration solution, it will take just a few clicks to allow your accountant access to all your digital documents. No longer will you need to scan, data-input and send documents to your accountant ever again. They will be able to access them anywhere, at any time.
Win-win for you and your accountant
Your accountant will no longer have to sort through documents and integrate data into the system. Your accountant spends less time on manual, administrative tasks and can spend more time helping you grow your business.
With the tools available to have a faster and more complete overview of the status of your company, your accountant can take a closer look at your overall finances. This provides them with the data and the insights to guide and advise easier than ever before.
The digital possibilities are not just limited to invoices. Also share your contracts, insurance files and other business documents that can help your accountant build a bigger picture as to how they can help you grow your business.
The next steps
Using digital administration and more streamlined admin and financial processes, means you have already taken a big step.If you use digital administration to work smarter with your accountant, then that step becomes a big leap.
Take a look at how else digital administration can benefit your business in blog four of our four-part series.